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We Can Talk: Free Online Training


The We Can Talk website offers training, advice and resources for hospital staff working with children and young people’s mental health

The project has:

  1. Co-produced (with hospital staff, young people and mental health experts) a competency framework in children and young people’s mental health

  2. Developed, piloted and evaluated a co-designed (and co-delivered) one-day training linked to the competencies to improve the knowledge, skills and confidence of any member of staff who sees children and young people in their role (clinical and non-clinical).

These offer brilliant, free, online e-learning that teaches hospital staff how to talk to young people who come in with a mental health crisis. They are perfect for any doctor or health professional who struggles to know what to say and do with CAMHS patients in ED and the ward. Take a look, you won’t regret it. It even gives you a Certificate and / or CPD points….

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